Database of Practitioners

Pop the kettle on and have a read through the following information….Let us know what catches your eye!

What is the database?

We’re regularly getting requests from organisations, charities and private groups to run wellbeing sessions, workshops and courses both at The Wee Retreat and at venues across Glasgow. When we get requests for work, our process is to consult our database of practitioners and organise who’s available for it.

We manage all the admin and help you get more regular work.

How we offer work?

We get requests from corporations, charities, other CICs, schools and local councils. (All of these examples in the last year) When someone gets in touch with us to request a wellbeing day for their staff or to provide their clients with a weekly course then we will arrange a meeting with the organisation to find out a bit more about what they’re interested in. We may send them descriptions of what you can teach and let them pick or if they ask for a specific practice we can advise and consult the database.

We will always give as much notice when offering work as possible. In practice, we can occasionally get last minute requests but most activities are organised weeks or months in advance. 

Types of work offered

Work can take place online, in-person at our studios or in-person at venues across Glasgow (and sometimes further afield.) Although you’ll be able to let us know via the form if you’d be able to teach online or travel.  

On the form you can also list multiple practices which you’re qualified to teach. This could be Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa or include sound healing or mindfulness as appropriate. You’ll also be asked to describe how this would be shaped to a one-off workshop (most common) ; an introductory course (over 4-8 weeks usually) ; as well as in a 1:1 setting.

You don’t need to provide details for all of this, only what you would like to be down on the database as prepared to teach. 


When offering you work we will send you over the date, location and payment rate for you to confirm. The rates are based around averages from practitioners on the database last year.  

For example a 1hr yoga class would pay £60 or 2hrs for £120. This is the same rate for 1:1s or for groups. If you were running a 1hr weekly course for 4 weeks the payment would be £70  per week. 

For practices such as coaching, time management, resilience, there is a higher rate of pay and subsequent higher cost to the clients. 

Payment is handled via invoice after the work is completed. 

Working with Under 18s

By law, will require any teachers providing services for under 18s to complete a PVG check under our organisation name. (You only need one check under The Wee Retreat and this covers you for all database work)

We legally need to complete this check even if you have already been registered with the PVG Scheme in the past or with another organisation. 

If you are not interested in ever working with under 18s, you do not have to undergo the PVG check.

Please note, work offered will be conditional to a successful PVG check being completed.

The cost for this check will include an admin charge of £12 plus either:

  • Brand new scheme record (i.e. you have not already registered with Disclosure Scotland in the past) £59
  • Existing scheme record (i.e. you have previously registered with DS to work with vulnerable adults only and will now be adding under 18’s) £59
  • Update scheme record (i.e. you have already registered for under 18’s with another organisation/ privately) £18

Please note the checks will be valid for 3 years so thankfully not something we will need to do often! 

More information on PVG scheme can be found here.

How to join?

If you’re interested in taking on freelance work on behalf of The Wee Retreat, we would need you to join our practitioner database. A few things to note about this:

There is an initial admin fee of £75 to join the database. After this, there is an annual renewal fee of £25 if you want to remain on the database after the first 12 months.
Once you have joined the database, we will be able to offer you work on an ad-hoc, freelance basis.
We have a consistent stream of work coming in and practitioners on the database are being offered opportunities on a regular basis.

To join the database, we would kindly ask you to follow the link below and complete the form: 

The form will ask for your qualifications, PLI and two references. If you have a PVG you can submit this as well. I recommend having all this ready before submitting the form. We will also share some of your descriptions with prospective clients so we’re asking that all copy submitted is ready for sending. If you have an issue submitting any documents, you can upload a blank word document instead and then email over anything directly to Josee –  

What a beautiful space this studio holds for people to connect, laugh, cry and grow.

Workshop facilitator

Just getting in touch to say thanks for all the marketing. It looks great and I’ve had loads of enquiries. You and Vicky have both been so helpful and I’m delighted!

5 week course facilitator